Saturday, March 30, 2013


Ship's Log  03.30.2013

Ahoy Mateys..This be I SPY WIT' ME LITTLE EYE Saturday...

Alien Pirate Clip Art

Today I will be writing my review on a very special book. It's a book I am sure all of you have heard of and perhaps own.


Oh, so you have heard of it. Good. 


The Bible is composed of 66 books in two sections, The Old Testament and The New Testament. It was written by men, but inspired by God. It is His story and our guide in this life.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

My Review:

How do you review the Word of God without sounding like a know-it-all? Well, you can't. That's why I won't even attempt to try.

I simply wish to convey a few thoughts to you. 

When I was about 10 years old, my older sister gave me a New Testament Bible. It looked similar to the one above. I loved that Bible, but not because it was the Word of God, but because my sister gave it to me.....I didn't GET IT yet.

When I was a teenager, I did my best to be a very good girl. I never drank alcohol, never swore, never smoked, wasn't promiscuous, tried never to lie, went to Sunday School, memorized verses and I treated my parents with respect. I did all of that mom. Yep, I wanted to please my mom. Sure, it's good to want to please your parents but I basically worshiped my mom....I still didn't GET IT.


Then, one day my mom was no longer here. God decided it was time to bring her home to Him. She was only 57 and I was only 27. It was at that moment when I realized how much I needed..........God. Yes, I finally GOT IT...

It took my mom dying to finally start living my life for God. I began to read my Bible more, but I wasn't quite understanding everything I was reading. The Old Testament seemed boring and repetitious to me. I felt the Lord calling me to teach, but I didn't know if I was equipped to do so yet. Then, one day, one of our regular Sunday School teachers asked me to help her in the classroom. I agreed. After that Sunday, I felt the pull to teach even stronger. So when I was asked to teach Sunday School, I stepped out in faith and agreed. And I've taught Sunday School for over 29 years now. This past year is the first time in a long time that I have not taught. Will I teach again? Only God knows and He will let me know when He wants me to know. Until then, I will continue to stay in His Word and learn more of His truths. 

It wasn't until I was in my late 30's that I finally started truly reading my Bible. I was encouraged by my pastor at that time to read through my Bible each year. I took that challenge and I am currently on my 13th time through. I learned that if you pray before you read your Bible, that God will open up His Word to you and show you things you never knew or realized before. Each time I read through my Bible, I experience something wonderfully new and exciting. The Old Testament is no longer boring to me. In fact, my favorite book in the Bible is in the Old Testament...the book of Job. My faith in God increases each time I read Job; it is an inspiring account. 
One thing I always do is read a new Bible each year...I've read different versions as well. If I were to use the same Bible each year, my Bible would probably look like the one above. I read through a new Bible each year, because I am saving them to give to my children and grandchildren. I write notes and underline as I read, so each person who receives one of my Bibles will have a piece of me when I am no longer here.


In closing I wish to encourage you to try to read through your Bible. If you read one chapter a day, it will take you three years to complete. If you read three chapters a day, it will only take you one year to complete. 

Please leave a comment telling my if you have ever read through the entire Bible and how many times. If you haven't, tell me why...I would really love to hear from you. 

Thanks fer stoppin' by me blog...........God bless.


  1. Great post, Debbie! I love how you started it, I was thinking, well she already reviewed Forsaken Dreams so what could it be? Lol! Wonderful surprise :) I am so sorry you had to lose your mom and at such a young age :/ But glad it brought you TO God instead of the other way. I have not read the entire Bible, and I actually just signed up for a one-year reading plan the other day and will probably start this weekend. Thanks for sharing <3

    1. Thanks Sarah...Yes, I could have easily went the other way , but praise God I did not..I will be praying for you to keep up your reading plan..just remember to pray before you read each makes a HUGE difference..Hugs..
