Monday, February 25, 2013

Pets Are Family Too

Ship's Log  02.25.2013

Let me introduce you to some of our extended family members.....our pets.

Norman Fred

First,  we have Norman Fred, we simply call him Norman.....unless he is in trouble.. Norman is a chihuahua/minpin mix..He can be one of the sweetest dogs.........When is he not ? Anytime someone comes to the door or tries to leave the house..You see, Norman is a chronic 'barker', to say the least..He MUST announce anyone who enters our home and he HATES when anyone wants to leave our home..we honestly do not know why..He adores our grandchildren , as long as they don't 'love' on him to hard or yank on his paws, but hey, who would want that? 


So, this is Norman, our dark shadow dog.......


Peter Pan

This is Peter Pan, aka Petey....he is our chihuahua/pug mix. Just like Norman and Petey are opposite colors, so are their personalities....Petey DOES NOT adore our grandchildren...he chooses to hide from them....Petey announces when people arrive at our house, but unlike Norman, he lets them leave without any fuss...he is actually happy when they leave, especially the grandchildren...He does, however, absolutely LOVE both of my sons-in-law....and I mean he can't get enough of them when they come through the door...still haven't figured out why..

So, this is Peter Pan....our light shadow dog..

Heart 1 Clip Art

Stewart Little Jack Sparrow

Stewart Little Jack Sparrow

Finally, I would like to introduce you to a little guy who graced our presence for about seven years before leaving us.... This is Stewart Little Jack Sparrow, we called him Jack for short...
Jack was a beautiful black and white guinea pig and he was the last guinea pig we will ever own. Over the course of ten years, we have had ten guinea pigs come and go. Some passed away and others were given away...Jack was my own guinea pig and he passed away March 2012...I still miss him...

So, this is Jack, our little angel pig. 

Thanks for dropping by my blog and meeting my pets.

And remember, pets are family too, so treat them as such........God bless..

What kind of pets do you have? Let me know in the comments below .


  1. Awwww, Debbie, the pictures of Jack are just so cute and it breaks my heart that he's no longer with you :( LOVE the pic of all three. That's something to treasure :)
    Joe's mom has a little dog that will try to bite your ankles when you leave the room or the house! Only reasoning we can figure out is that he doesn't want anyone to leave lol.

    1. Thanks for coming by Sarah . Norman will nip at ankles too . I usually have to pick him and sometimes put him in another room if I know someone is leaving....Yes, I love the picture of all three.

    2. Debbie, really enjoyed meeting your pets family. They are adorable. It's funny because my first cocker, Princeton would bark only when a visitor would leave, almost tempted to snap at them. Now, Prince my current cocker barks at anything and anyone. Now that he is old and has health problems he doesn't bark as much. Then we have our youngest son's dog whom we clain too: a Boston Terrier who takes off like lightening barking the whole way to the door when anyone comes in, even us, ha, ha. Sorry no pictures but don't qwn a camera right now. Thanks for sharing.
      Terrier's name is Mickey.

    3. Dianne, thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love the name Mickey. I am amazed at how many others say that their dogs bark when people leave their homes, too. Makes me feel a lot better about Norman .

  2. Thanks for sharing your pets with us, Debbie. And yes, they are a part of the family, for sure. I also love the picture of all 'three'.

    1. Hey Brenda , Thanks for stopping by . When I first looked at my completed post , I thought maybe some people would think that my grandson was Norman....that dog can be so hard to see sometimes . LOL

  3. We have a Rikki - a Blue Heeler Australian Shepherd mix. She loves to be our advance warning system!! At just 2 years old, she certainly is a going
    We also have Tinker Bell, our kitty. She loves to sleep and bother Rikki. However, we could not see our lives without either of them :)
    We had a wonderful Golden Retriever, Diamond, who passed away when she was 12. We all miss her, and often say she was the best dog ever!
    Thanks for introducing your pets. They certainly add much to our lives!

    1. Hey Betz, thanks for stopping by . Isn't it amazing how our pets can drive us crazy yet we love them so much? LOL I feel your pain , losing your sweet Diamond . Hugs .

  4. Norman Fred & Peter Pan are so adorable! I'd have a hard time leaving after meeting both of your dogs! I think I would give Petey a hard time, if he liked me a lot, as I was about to leave telling him, "So you are not going to miss me?" Then I would call him over, so I could cuddle him one last time before I left. I am though sorry about your loss of Jack Sparrow, he looks so adorable and I am sure he was fun to have around!

    My family owns two Alaskan Huskies, the youngest a male named Juneau and the oldest a female named Spottie. We also have a medium size female Dalmatian mixed with American Pit-Bull named Oreo Blizzard. Thanks for sharing about your adorable pets!

    In Christ,


    1. Tracy , I am sure that Petey would love you . He actually only hides from children...I love the name of your Dalmatian mix , Oreo Blizzard.! Thanks for stopping by .

  5. Hi - thank you for posting this to remind us that the animals God gave us are so important to. I have 2 dogs of my own, Ada and Benny - and like your pups, these are completely opposite personalities. Ada is always on guard and has to clear everyone that comes to the house, even if they have visited before. Of course that's her personality as she is a Rottweiler. Ben is an English Setter that we rescued 8.5 years ago - he is soft and friendly and would let anyone come through the door unchallenged - so he and Ada balance each other out. Marge......

    1. Marge , thank you so much for visiting my blog today...I think that it is so important to remind pet owners now and then that God gave them those pets to add to their joy and not to be a burden....I say , if you do not see your pet as family then why do you have a pet ? Your dogs sound wonderful , thanks for sharing .

  6. Hi Debbie, thanks for sharing your beloved pets with us. Such blessings pets are to us. Sandy

  7. I enjoyed stopping by and visiting your pets. Yes, just like us humans; animals have different dipositions and different moods.

    I have a cat named Ashy. I thought I wouldn't like pets; but they tend to grow on you. Now, I don't know what I would do without her. Ashy is a friendly cat and she does not get into a lot of trouble either. I have had her for over a year now!! Sue Wisse

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sue....Ashy sounds like a sweetheart. So happy you have her in your life..
