Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Ship's Log  02.19.2013

Smiling Mouth 2 by TikiGiki -

Yes, you heard right .   FORSAKEN DREAMS by MaryLu Tyndall is now in stock on Amazon.com . 


What are you waiting for ?   Head over and pick up a copy for yourself and perhaps a copy for a friend....share the love..

Isn't the cover of this book gorgeous?  Just imagine what you will find inside..........

As I have said before, MaryLu has a way of bringing you right into her books, as though you are right there experiencing everything the characters experience.. When I read her books, I get so many different emotions going........at one point I may cry, another I may get so upset that I want to smack certain characters. (in those moments, I need to remind myself that those people are just characters in a book)  At other times, I find myself gasping and clutching my chest, hoping and praying that certain characters will make it through a certain peril safely.   Yes, I said PRAY....that is how REAL these characters are for me.  Of course, there are those moments when I find myself smiling or laughing out loud. 
For me, the best parts of any of MaryLu's books are the parts where God is so present that you can feel Him reach out through the pages.  I almost always walk away with a Heavenly touch once I've completed one of MaryLu's books.   I've told MaryLu that I am so grateful that she always stays true to the talent that God has given her and that I pray she never changes so drastically that her 'talent' cannot be found anymore.  I know that everyone else feels that way as well.

So, her books have it all :   Joy, Laughter, Anger, Peace, Adventure, Sadness and more importantly a Godly presence to tie it all together. 

If you've never read anything by MaryLu Tyndall, I encourage you to pick up a copy of Forsaken Dreams  (or any of her books)  and find out what she has to offer.  If you are already a MaryLu Tyndall fan, then I know that you will be picking up a copy for yourself.   May I ask that you pick up another copy for a friend?  Perhaps someone who has never read MaryLu's books before.  Help spread the word for MaryLu......the more souls that can be touched, the better..

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today..........God bless