Monday, April 29, 2013


Ship's Log  04.29.2013

Faces Clip Art

Ahoy Mateys! This here be me MONDAY MOOD SWING post. 



Today's MOOD be.......ART

Color Palette Clip Art

There are different forms of art, but I am going to focus on my favorite form.....painting.

There are many famous artists, alive and dead, too many to name. My favorite artist is Thomas Kinkade, the Painter of Light. I was deeply saddened by his recent passing. 

Thomas Kinkade  
January 19, 1958-April 6, 2012 (aged 54)

Thomas Kinkade was a wonderful painter and a very good author as well. 

To learn more about him, here is a link: 

As most people know, paintings by Thomas Kinkade do not come cheap. And I am sure the prices have gone up since his passing. Therefore, I chose to collect, assemble and display puzzles of his paintings. After moving several times, I have had to store my puzzles away. But, recently I have been setting up an office/craft room for myself, which has given me an opportunity to once again display my puzzles. Here are a few shots of my wall....the puzzles are on all the walls, but you get the idea. 

As you can see, I cut and reconnected a few puzzles so that they would fit in the corners. Now I have my own private gallery of Thomas Kinkade paintings. 

It's hard to believe that there will be no more new paintings by Thomas Kinkade, or new books written by him. If you've never read his Cape Light series, I highly recommend it. Here is a link to find out about his books:


There is another artist that I really used to enjoy watching paint. His name was Bob Ross. He used to have a show called The Joy of Painting, where he would paint a scene right before your eyes. He would start with an empty canvas and show you step by step how to create beautiful scenes.

Bob Ross
October 29, 1942-July 4, 1995 (aged 52)

Bob Ross was very soft spoken and the way he used to refer to his trees as 'Happy Little Trees' was priceless. It saddens and amazes me how two of my favorite painters passed away at almost the same age...and so young. I know that Thomas Kinkade professed to be saved, but I do not know about Bob...I do know that at the end of each episode, he was known for saying,"so from all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, and God bless, my friend." I believe he was from the Mormon any case, they are both greatly missed in the art world.  

If you wish to learn more about Bob Ross, here is a link:

Blue Hand Print Clip Art

Alright, now that the professionals are out of the way. I have one more painting I wish to share with you today. It is by two very special artists.....Lucas Dee Smith and Cassie Sue Ramsdell

Meet the artists:

My talented grandchildren!!

Lucas Dee

Cassie Sue

Now, I can go on and on about these two, but I won't. Let's just say that to me their paintings will always outshine even the most famous of art. 

Thank ye Mateys fer stopping by and reading me 'MOOD' fer this Monday!!! Tell me in the comments what form of art you prefer and why....God bless.

(You still have time to enter to win Elaine Cooper's book The Road to Deer Run! Just go to my 

last post and leave a comment)


  1. Love all the pictures - especially the one done by the little ones.
    I love Thomas Kincade pictures and all the wonderful places you can find them. I have a lovely mug, that I received as a gift that has a Thomas Kincade print on it.
    I am not sure which form of art I prefer. As a knitter and a seamstress, I have seen some things that you could only class as art! I really enjoy landscapes, especially mountains, and am not too excited about abstract art. Except of course the ones our children and grandchildren

    1. I'm with you Betti, only our babies can do justice to abstract art. :)

  2. I love art too! I cannot fathom sitting down and having the talent to paint whatever comes to mind. What a special talent! I'm with you... Your grand kids outshine the rest :)

    1. Thanks Johnette!! Just watching them paint is wonderful...then I have a treasure to hold onto for years to come!!

  3. Debbie, I love this post! Wow, those puzzles on your wall look SO COOL! As I was reading I was expecting to see a few here and there, like framed pictures. Not the entire wall!! That is awesome :) Thomas Kincade wallpaper lol. I also love the painting Cassie and Lucas made. And love your comment about how only your babies can do justice to abstract art :D

    1. Glad you like my 'wallpaper' Sarah! I call it that sometimes. I love just staring at serene. Thanks for stopping by, Matey!!

  4. Debbie, great post. I love art, especially art that depicts the west (you know, mountains and such). One of my favorite artists is Albert Beirstadt. I love his landscape paintings. And I also love Thomas Kincade's work, too. And it looks like you have a couple of budding artists in your family, as well. Their painting is so cute! Memories for sure. :)

    1. Angi, thanks for stopping by. I've never heard of Albert Beirstadt, I will have to look him up. Yes, children's paintings are wonderful, you never know what they will turn out to be. :)

    2. Debbie, I have several of his paintings pinned on Pinterest if you'd like to see them. They make me want to walk right into them. :)

    3. I will go over and check them out. Thanks Angi!!

  5. hace 3 años que vi tu post, y me enamoré de tu pared, mi meta es hacer lo mismo. Estoy juntando una colección de rompecabezas para después hacer un tapiz. Muchas gracias por haberlo mostrado es demasiado bonito

  6. Can I ask how you hung all the puzzles on your wall? I want to do this, but I rent so I can't glue them to the walls. Hoping you found a better method. Your room is beautiful for sure. That's the best wallpaper ever.

    1. I stapled them to the wall...obviously not a great choice, but it's what I did. I rent, too, but my landlord doesn't care.
