Friday, February 27, 2015

Me Favorite Caption

Ship's Log  02.27.2015

Ahoy Mateys! Here be me favorite caption of the week:

Norma says: Look mom a boogie fruit loop!

Thanks again, Mateys, fer making me laugh! See ye next week! In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the captions!

Tracy says:  After a long difficult morning of figuring out these weird color cheerios I have come to the result of being champion of this tasty breakfast.

Susan says: It's a bird! It's a plane! Oh, it's just my food.

Debra says: Yes! I will marry you!  

Jackie says: My precccciousss!!

Sarah says:  One fruit loop to rule them all!

God bless. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday With A Twist

Ship's Log   02.25.2015

Ahoy Mateys! Welcome to me Wordless Wednesday post! Let's be seein' what ye can caption fer this photo:

Ye all did so well with the Fruit Loops pic last week, I wanted to see what ye would say fer this one.


I can't wait to see what ye be sayin', Mateys!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

SONday Devotions

Ship's Log  02.22.2015

Ahoy Mateys! I have decided to begin a new post here on RedemptionDrawsNear. It is titled SONday Devotions. Each Sunday, I am going to try to post 2 devotions from a devotional that me and MaryLu Tyndall have published. I truly pray that you are blessed by each devotion. 

SONday Devotions

Pearls From The Sea

Set a Course for That Eternal Horizon!
By MaryLu Tyndall

What is eternal life?

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23 NIV)

And this is the promise that He has promised us-eternal life (1 John 2:25 AKJ)

  Sure, we've all read these verses a million times. We believe, we've repented...we're going to heaven. It's all good! But what do you think of when you hear the words eternal life? I always pictured myself in a glorious new body (thin and in shape and gorgeous, of course!) strutting down Heaven's golden streets, hanging out with friends and family, talking with God and doing His work for ever an ever and ever. Amen! Most of us have some picture of our heavenly future in our mind, though I'm sure it will be far better than any of us can imagine.
  But did you realize Jesus Himself defined eternal life to us?

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent(John 17:3 NIV).

  The You here is Father God. So, eternal life is having a relationship with God. Pure and simple. 
  In 1John, the apostle John even calls Jesus by the name Eternal Life.

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20 NAS).

  I don't know about you, but this really struck me. Eternal life isn't a thing or a place or a span of time. It isn't achieved by saying a prayer or offering a sacrifice. Eternal life is knowing God. Like the natural sun, God is the source of all life and power, and the more time we spend with Him, the more we fully inhabit eternity.
  In times past, before modern technology, ships at sea had more difficulty navigating at night than in the daytime. If the skies were cloudy and they couldn't see the stars, they had no way to set their course. Even during the day, they needed the sun to be able to use their instruments to determine which way to go. Without the sun, they were dead in the water.
  Aren't we very much like those ships? Without a relationship with the Son, we can't find our way to eternal life. He is eternal life. Talking with Him, hanging out with Him, reading His Word, knowing Him like we know a close friend or family member-this is eternal life! We must plug into the source of life and love and power and follow His brightness to that eternal horizon.
  So what are you waiting for? Climb aboard!

All Ashore Who's Going Ashore!
By Debbie Mitchell

  Just before a ship departs, one of the ship's officers bellows a warning that all who are not sailing on the ship need to get off immediately. If they do not heed the warning, they are stuck on board. And if they do not pay the fare, they are put off at the first port. So, if they truly do not want to be on that voyage, they'd better get off in time.
  Our walk with God can be compared to traveling on a ship. Once we board His ship, we'd better make sure it's where we want to be. Otherwise, we had better get off before it sails. It would be devastating to be put out at the first port. Those who choose not to board His ship and those who are put out at first port have a rude awakening coming to them.

Then the king will say to those on his left, 'Get away from me! God has cursed you! Go into everlasting fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels!' (Matthew 25:41 GOD'S WORD Translation)

  In life, the waters can get choppy. Being on God's ship helps us to weather the storms. His ship has high railings to keep us from falling into the seas of despair. His sails carry us on the right path, and His rudder keeps us from veering in the wrong direction.

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling (Exodus 15:13 NIV).

  So, do you want to sail on God's ship, or do you want to have a rude awakening?

Your choice.

"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will for me and my household, we will serve the LORD" (Joshua 24:15 NIV).

Have a blessed SONday, Mateys!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Wordless Wednesday With A Twist Captions

Ship's Log   02.20.2015

Ahoy Mateys! Here be me favorite caption this week....along with all the rest.

Oh, and I be havin' two favorite captions this week. 

Carol says: "You expect me to eat what? Lady, you must have missed your nap!"
Sarah says:   "I'm tellin' ya, I once saw a fruit loop that was THIS big!"

Ye all made me laugh....thanks!

Norma says:  "Hey, I said I don't want fruit loops with chicken nuggets again!"

Jackie says:  "Whatcha looking at? This is my lunch yo!" 

Debra says: "I said I didn't like the lemon fruit loops!"

Mary says:  "That's it! I'm done! I asked for Cocoa Puffs!"

Come back next Wednesday for another picture to caption, Mateys!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wordless Wednesday With a Twist

Ship's Log   02.18.2015

Ahoy Mateys! Welcome once again to me Wordless Wednesday With A Twist! All ye need to be doin' is give me a great caption fer me posted picture. I will post all of the captions in a new post while featurin' me favorite! No booty to be had here, except fer some good laughs. 

Time to make Chappy laugh, Mateys!  Caption this:

So, what say you? How would ye caption this picture of me adorable granddaughter, Snow? 

Image result for laughing happy faces

I can't wait to read yer get busy makin' me laugh.....GO!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ship's Log  02.01.2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers!

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award is an award that recognizes the unique voices of women across the world.

Ahoy Mateys! It's been quite awhile since I have blogged. Now is the perfect time to start up again. I want to thank Eileen Rife for nominating me for this Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Put the Award logo on your blog.
3. Answer 10 questions you've been sent.
4. Make up 10 new questions for your nominees to answer.

Here are the questions I was sent and my answers:

1. What is your foremost prayer in this new year?

I pray that the Lord blesses me and my family with good health...not looking back, just forward.

2. Name three goals that you'd like to shoot for.

To finish reading through the Bible for the 15th time.
To be a spiritual influence to my grandchildren.
To try and read more books than I did in 2014....which were very few. 

3. What is your current writing project?

I am writing a book called "Call Me Grammy"...slow going. 

4. What do you enjoy doing for fun?

I enjoy spending time with my grandchildren...they keep me young. I am also really enjoying my hobby of creating Exploding Picture Boxes. 

5. Other than the Bible, name the book that's had the most impact on your life and why. 

Frank Peretti's This Present helped me to realize that there is a very strong spiritual presence here...good and evil. This book also got me into reading Christian novels. 

6. What will you do in this new year to reach out to someone else other than your family?

This is a hard one.....I guess I will just see who God puts into my path. I do volunteer as a personal prayer warrior for Guidepost ministries....definitely people I do not know. :-)

7. Explain why you like to write. 

Even though I am not writing a novel, I do enjoy putting my thoughts down....I journal A LOT each month and it's very satisfying. 

8. What legacy do you hope to leave behind when you die?

A legacy of love....I want my loved ones to know love, especially the love of Christ. I have Bibles, journals and scrapbooks that will be left behind for my children/grandchildren. 

9. Do you consider the local church important? Why or why not?

Yes, local churches are important. I've attended my share of churches, some good and some not so good. Once you find that "fit", it can be a great comfort in your life. Since moving, I am between churches right now. 

10. How can women who feel alone overcome isolation? 

By seeking out other women who feel the same. There are so many support groups these days, that there should be someplace to go to find companionship. First and foremost, she should pray about it...then trust God to lead her.

Now for my nominees and their questions.

1. Did you decide to start a blog or were you encouraged to do so? If encouraged, by whom?
2. In 2014, what was your greatest accomplishment?
3. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
4. If there was a movie written about your life, what would the title of that movie be?
5. Do you make New Year's resolutions? Why or why not?
6. If you could bring back just one deceased relative (for a day) who would it be and why?
7. You are a reporter on assignment...where are you and what's the story about?
8. If Facebook was suddenly gone, would it upset you? Why or why not?
9. There are so many colors in the rainbow....what is your favorite color and why?
10. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself when it comes to productivity? Is there a certain project that you've never completed?

Thanks again Eileen Rife for nominating me! 

Thanks fer comin' aboard me blog again, Mateys! Hugs and God bless!