Ship's Log 06.30.2014
Ahoy Mateys! It be time to announce me favorite caption. It was hard, I can tell ye that! Ye all came up wit' some really good captions. But, I must be choosin' jest one, so here it be:
The winnin' caption be:
Me and my hippo take the best selfies ever!!!
Congrats to Debra! Ye be winnin' an Explodin' Picture box, made by yers truly!
Did I say I was choosin' jest one caption? Hmmm.....well, I be feelin' a wee bit generous today because it be Swabbie Jack's birthday. So, I am going to pick another winner.......
Drum roll please!
"NO! You can't have my pink hippo! Get your own!"
Congrats to Angi!!!!! Ye also be winnin' an Explodin' Picture Box, made by yers truly!
I will be contactin' the winners soon....
Thanks to all of ye who came aboard and played along! Hugs and God bless!